Busby Public School

Fostering knowledge, success and curiosity

Telephone02 9607 7211


2018 1/2 Cobalt

Welcome to 1/2 Cobalt, this is our extrodinary class! 

Our teacher is Miss. Melissa Rolph and she is the best teacher ever! She always knows how to make learning lots of fun, and loves to muck around with us from time to time. 


After writing we do literacy groups. Our teacher is L3 trained and she is absoultely fantastic at teaching us to read. She has taught us lots of strategies to try while reading to decode unfamiliar words. 

We have improved so much in our writing. We are now writing almost a page of writing using simple, compound and complex sentences. This term we are focusing on procedure writing. 


We learn maths each day. This term we are looking at recognising 3 digit and 4 digit numbers, as well as adding and subtracting two digit and one digit numbers. 


For history this term we have been looking at Aboriginal culture. We learnt about what the colours of the Aboriginal flag represents, then created Aboriginal flags out of coloured paper. 


Our unit for health is around drugs and staying safe. We learnt what number to call in emergencies and what parts of the body are effected when we take harmful drugs. 

On Fridays we do sport. This term we have practiced many skills including throwing and catching, athletics and hand-eye-coordination. 


For art we have been learning how to use different mediums to create a range of different artworks. Here we were using cellophane to create stain glass windows. 

Our teacher Miss. Rolph choreographed the Western Sydney Performing arts performance for the whole school, so she loves to dance and act. She has taught us how to keep to the beat, and how to use our faces to express emotions.