Busby Public School

Fostering knowledge, success and curiosity

Telephone02 9607 7211


2018 3/4 Lilac


I'm Mrs. Hill, and this is my incredibly talented class. Our class has lots to show you! So take a look...


This term for writing we have been looking at informative texts. We had to skim and scan for facts, create a plan, then transfer our thoughts into an information report. 

After writing we do literacy groups. On iPads we go on Toontastic and create imaginative stories. 

Here we have to focus on our sound of the day, and make as many words as we can using that sound. Sometimes Mrs. Hill let’s us have competitions with our partners to see who can find the most words. 

In this group we look at word families. We need to write down as many words as we can think of that have the same suffix. 


For maths we join with 3/4 Violet because we split up into ability groups. The group that works with our teacher Mrs. Hill has been looking at multiplication and division. Mrs. Hill has taught them numerous strategies they can use to find out the answers of multiplication and division facts. As extension work, they also have been looking at adding and subtracting 3-4 digit numbers. 


Our class also joins with 3/4 Violet for HSIE. This term we have been looking at the unit Day and Night. We learnt lots about the earths rotation, why we get shadows, how shadows change throughout the day and the phases of the moon. 


We do health and sport every Friday. This term we have been looking at the packaging of different types of drugs, and it’s effects on the human body. For sport we join with the rest of Stage 2 and rotate between 3 different stations; games, ball skills, and dance. 


If we had to pick Mrs. Hills favourite subject it would definitely have to be CAPA. She organises most of the discos, Christmas concerts, and primary dance performances in the school. So it’s no doubt, that we have some of the best CAPA lessons in the school.

We looked at pitch and tone by playing a range of different musical instruments. 

For our Assembly item this term we put on a play about the 3 little pigs, but of course it wasn’t just an ordinary play, we created the story line ourselves and boy, did it get a laugh out of the audience! Some kids even said it was the best assembly item they’ve seen in a long time. 

We brought the outdoors, indoors in this craft activity, where we had to use leaves as the spikes of a hedgehog. 

This is all of Stage 2 learning the 'heel, toe, polka'.