Busby Public School

Fostering knowledge, success and curiosity

Telephone02 9607 7211



Teacher: Mrs Nicole Brasier

Welcome to the class page of Sapphire.

Take a look at all the great learning we are doing each week!


Term 2 Week 1 & 2

Weeks 1 & 2 have been busy for us in Sapphire. We are continuing with our daily number talks and we are becoming really creative with how we can show a number. We are also learning about time, o'clock and half past in analogue and digital times. Our room is looking amazing with all our beautiful artwork done last term.


Term 1

Welcome to the class page of Sapphire!

We are busy getting to know our new class mates and making new friends.

This term in History we are learning about the Past in the Present. In PDHPE we have Got Games coming out on Fridays and in class we are learning about Safe Living. In Mathematics we are learning the 'friends of ten' and place value. We are writing about books being read by our class teacher Mrs Brasier. And for Science we are learning about living things. As you can see, we are very busy but most importantly, we alwasy try our best!

Sapphire has hit the ground running, working on our letters and sounds and writing. Mrs Brasier has been busy reading lots of books for us to write about. In maths, we are learning to add on a number line and to partition numbers. We are also doing number talks, where we say the many ways we can show a number.

This week we have been busy learning about living things in science with Ms Awick. In maths we have been learning to add on a number line, partitioning single digit and teen numbers, 2D shapes and friends of 10.

This week we have been learning about the features of 2D shapes and then experimenting with what pictures we can make using 2D shape pieces. We have had some fantastic discussions around numbers and the number 20 brought out some great understanding of the number talk concept. We have made our class name art which is proudly displayed in the centre of our display wall. We have also done some writing about The Very Cranky Bear.

What a fun packed learning week we had in Week 9. We have been learning about length and height and found that Tony is the tallest and Bonita is the shortest. We then used informal measuring tools to find the length and height of objects in the room. We have also been learning how to partition numbers.

This week we had our Snake Tails incursion. As you can see by these pictures students were enthralled by the various reptiles on display and the ones they could touch.