Busby Public School

Fostering knowledge, success and curiosity

Telephone02 9607 7211


2018 3/4 Violet

Welome to 3/4 Violet's class page. I'm Mrs Khoudeir, and this is my incredible class. They are so proud of the page they have put together for you, and hope that you take a moment to look at all the amazing learning they have been doing in school. So scroll down and take a look, you won't be disapointed! 


After watching and reading lots on natural disasters, we wrote down all the facts on sentence strips. We then placed these facts into subcategories. Mrs. Khoudeir modelled how to write an informative piece of writing, then we had a try at writing our own!

For writing this term, we have been learning to write informative texts, about natural disasters. We have learnt so much about the way they are formed, and the destruction they leave on the environment. 


Literacy groups make up the rest of the English block in 3/4 Violet. Mrs. Khoudeir lays out lots of fun literacy activities everyday for us to complete. In these groups we learn spelling, writing, and reading-skills that have been taught to us throughout the week. 


Each day after lunch we do Maths. We usually start by playing a quick 10 minute maths game, before starting our formal maths lesson. This term we have been focusing a lot on multiplication and division. We use concrete materials to teach us how to multiply, and divide.


For HSIE we normally combine with 3/4 Lilac and 3 Amethyst in the library. Together we use computers, read books, and work in groups to learn all about the way our world functions. This term we have been looking at different celebrations around the world for Geography, and for Science we are about to start our unit on 'Day and Night'. 


This term for CAPA we are doing Art and Dance. In art we are looking at the colour wheel, and how colours can be used in effective ways to produce artworks. In dance we are learning to follow routines and stick to the beat.


This term for health we are learning about drug education, and how to keep our bodies safe and healthy. On Fridays we go out to the soccer field, and do sport as a stage. We even did yoga as part of our sport unit this term.